Hi guys! I'm really sorry that I haven't posted in a long time, just crazy busy with exams! I'm afraid that I won't be posting as much as I hoped to due to the crazy amounts of revision and exams I have to do (Got my GCSE final exams coming up), but don't worry you can always read my previous posts, send me an email or comment and I'll try and get back to you as soon as possible. Once it's Summer I'll get back to posting reguarly.
Anyways, I hope you all had a lovely Christmas, and done lots of shopping in the Boxing Day sales! Of course I was there at 9am on Boxing Day LOL! But I found that the sales were a bit of a let down this year? It was all of the same stuff repeating in every shop, and most of the sales started before Christmas. One thing I did notice as I walked into shops were lots of studs. I overheard one lady say "What's the craze with those triangle sequins". I couldn't help but laugh - I'm guessing not everyone knows about them? But she had a good point, what is the new craze with studs?
Nearly every shop I went to like Topshop, New Look, Republic, H&M or even Primark, there were studs. This trend came out about October time and I didn't really know what to make of it at first. I didn't really like it to be honest, I thought it was a bit too biker-ish, and they just looked like someone was wearing a weapon on their top LOL. But they've grown on me. Many many leather jackets had studs on them. I brought one to see what I could style it with and get opinions on it! This is what it looks like:
Due to the bad camera on my phone, it looks quite different in this picture, however you get the idea. It was £25 in Republic, which is quite a bargain for a jacket. I really liked it because it isn't a typical jacket. I didn't see another grey leather jacket that day whatsoever, and it can actually go with a lot. Due to the fact that it isn't black, I could accessorise it with black and not look boring. When I was at the till two ladies asked me where I found the jacket, so I'm guessing that the stud trends are favourable.
As soon as I got home I tried on an outfit that I could wear with the jacket. This is what I came up with!

Next on my shopping list, is a denim top with studs. I'm not sure if I'd like it but I do want too see what I could try and wear that with. Denim tops are also a new must-have. It does depend on the colour and style as to how the denim top would look. If you have any, then comment below if you need any advice as to how to make it into an outfit, or email me pictures that I can talk about next time.
Thank you reading guys, hope you all have a lovely New Year and I'll try and write again sometime soon (probably end of January when my exams finish for the month). Good luck to everyone doing their January Exams! If you know anyone who's into Fashion then get them to read my blog, and we can have discussions or opinions on new topics in the future! Spread the word about Whats In My Wardrobe, mwah xx